We have a lot of customers asking about the weather in Taiwan. Here I would like to share with you a brief idea of the climate of the island.
タグ: 台湾一周
Speed Up on the West Coast – A Strategy to Cover the West when Cycling Around Taiwan
A less populous coastal route on the west coast of Taiwan with endless horizons, splendid sea views, and the flexibility to cover over 200 km a day. Perfect for those seeking a streamlined island cycling adventure.
公式のサイクルルートNo. 1に追加の提案や代替ルートを加え、あなたの体験を向上させ、よりスムーズなライドを確保するための、日々の旅程計画。
Cycling Around Taiwan, Partly & Slowly (4)
We cycled in Taiwan from Kaohsiung (高雄) to Kenting (墾丁) and then Taitung (台東) to Hualien (花蓮). This is our travel log 4 of 4, Ningbu to Hualien
Cycling Route No. 1 – Alternative for Day 1 with Great Views
An alternative route for Day 1 of Cycling Route No. 1 for doing the around-the-island in Taiwan. It has more bikeways, less traffic and more rural views.
Cycling Around Taiwan, Partly & Slowly (2)
We cycled in Taiwan from Kaohsiung (高雄) to Kenting (墾丁) and then Taitung (台東) to Hualien (花蓮). This is our travel log 2 of 4, Fangliao to Kenting
Cycling Around Taiwan, Partly & Slowly (3)
We cycled in Taiwan from Kaohsiung (高雄) to Kenting (墾丁) and then Taitung (台東) to Hualien (花蓮). This is our travel log 3 of 4, Taitung to Ningbu
My First Cycling Trip in Taiwan Day 1
I tried to cycle round Taiwan in 2019. Here are tips on getting NTD and getting to Taipei City from Taoyuan airport. Dinner in Raohe Night Market