Explore the Hengchun Circular Route, a 28.3 km loop with a 212.16 m ascent, starting from Checheng and passing through Houwan, Wanli, and Shanhai Roads.
Category: Cycling Route No. 1
Cycling Route No. 1 – 18 Kaohsiung-Pingtung Hillside Circular Route
Ride the Kaohsiung-Pingtung Hillside Circular Route, a 117.1 km loop with 1,179.35 m ascent, passing scenic highways and rolling hills.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 17 Moutain to Sea Branch Route
Explore the Mountain to Sea Branch Route, a 20.4 km path with 116.86 m ascent, connecting Shanhua to Annan via Xilaya Blvd, Huanxi Rd, and Nanke 3rd Rd.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 16 Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum Branch Route
Ride the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum Route, a 30.7 km path with 130.01 m ascent, passing cultural and scenic spots.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 15 Two-Lake Circular Route
Embark on the Two-Lake Circular Route, a 39.3 km ride with 184.70 m ascent, traversing Dongchang Bikeway and the Hualien Two Lakes Bikeway.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 14 Hualien County Road 193 Circular Route
花蓮県道193号環状ルートは、総距離24.2 km、累積標高189.7 mのコースです。玉里駅から瑞穂駅までを結び、県道193号線を通ります。沿道には美しい自然景観が広がり、サイクリング中に台湾東部の風光明媚な風景を堪能できます。詳細なGPXデータも提供しており、計画に役立ててください。
Cycling Route No. 1 – 13 Guandu-Bitan Branch Route
Embark on Guandu-Bitan Branch Route, a 27.4 km ride with 232.73 m ascent, linking Guandu to Bitan via the Tamsui and Xindian River Right Bank Cycling Routes.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 12 Xi’nan Circular Route
Explore the Xi’nan Circular Route, a 5 km loop with 16.37 m ascent, starting at Dongshan River Water Park Bikeway and passing Wujie Tide Gates.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 11 Hualien Train Station Branch Route
Embark on the Hualien Train Station Branch Route, a 3 km ride with 24.21 m ascent, starting from Nanbin Park and ending at Hualien Train Station.
Cycling Route No. 1 – 10 Taitung Train Station Branch Route
Ride the Taitung Train Station Branch Route, a 10.9 km scenic path with 16.49 m ascent, connecting Provincial Highway 9 to Taitung Station.